"Shaypi and Shapu" e "Ogg!" são os nomes das séries propostas que foram produzidas na totalidade pela Bang! Bang! Animation. São ambos conceitos para séries infantis pré-escolares ao estilo da Rua Sésamo. Aqui ficam imagens dos filmes e os respectivos links para visonamento, esperemos que gostem.

Nestas brincadeiras eles interagem de uma forma divertida mas educatica com um conjunto de peças, formas geométricas básicas de cores variadas que têm o nome de "Shapes".
Uma série de João Ferreira, Miguel Braga e Miguel Martins
Voz de Teresa Sobral
Gravação Paulo Curado
Animação de João Ferreira, Mariana Reto e Belo Cabral
Pós-Produção Audio Frederico Costa

Ogg usa uma gravata e tenta ser sempre agradável, mas na verdade é um traquinas e faz tolices sempre que pode.
Por dentro, Ogg é um menino simpatico e o seu coração esta sempre no sitio correcto, mesmo que seja preciso encorajamento positivo e palavras amigas para o fazer comportar-se bem.
Uma série de Diogo Alves, Miguel Martins e Miguel Braga
Voz de Miguel Abreu
Gravação Frederico Costa
Animação de Diogo Alves
Pós-Produção Audio Frederico Costa
The studio Bang! Bang! Animation is competing in the contest, Aniboom Awards 4 Sesame Street with two pilot films of 1.30''each, for two TV series.
"Shaypi and Shapu" and "Ogg!" are the names of proposed series that were produced entirely by Bang! Bang! Animation. They are both concepts for preschool children's series in the style of Sesame Street. Here are images of the films and their links to mink, hopefully you like it.
Shaypi and Shapu is an animated series for preschoolers. Based on the play of a boy, Shapu, and a girl, Shaypi with your friends.
In those games they interact in a fun but educational with a set of parts, basic geometric shapes of various colors that have the name "Shapes".
"Shaypi and Shapu" and "Ogg!" are the names of proposed series that were produced entirely by Bang! Bang! Animation. They are both concepts for preschool children's series in the style of Sesame Street. Here are images of the films and their links to mink, hopefully you like it.
Shaypi and Shapu is an animated series for preschoolers. Based on the play of a boy, Shapu, and a girl, Shaypi with your friends.
In those games they interact in a fun but educational with a set of parts, basic geometric shapes of various colors that have the name "Shapes".
Meet Ogg, a pale monster who tries his best to be a friendly monster.
Ogg wears a tie and always tries to be nice, but really is a prankster and makes nonsense whenever he can.
Inside, Ogg is a nice boy and his heart is always in the correct place, even if it takes positive encouragement and friendly words to make it behave well.
Ogg wears a tie and always tries to be nice, but really is a prankster and makes nonsense whenever he can.
Inside, Ogg is a nice boy and his heart is always in the correct place, even if it takes positive encouragement and friendly words to make it behave well.
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É um concurso de animação integrado no Bicentenário das Invasões Francesas. Passem por lá e participem, um dos temas é livre.
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Ulisses Dias
Obrigado pelo convite.
Vamos ver o vosso site e analizar essa possibilidade.
Miguel Braga
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